Posted on 1/28/2022
Electric Vehicles (EVs) are here to stay. At Adams Autoworx we continue to expand our digital diagnostic capability and continue to train our technicians to be ready for the electric vehicles - however they may get their power. Fact.MR, a market research company, found that sedans are the best fit for solar power vehicles. They are most aerodynamic, and lighter than pickup trucks or SUVs. For the time being, though, no major car manufacturers announced a solar powered car, but there are startups that are raising money and building prototypes. According to, homes near public EV charging stations sell for more. US Dept. of Energy claims that there are over 46,000 EV charging stations in the US. Typical charging station, on average, had just over 2 charging outlets, so overall there are about 110,000 charging outlets. By comparison, US has roughly 110,000 gas stations with well over 500,000 gas pumps. When talking about EVs, can't forget Tesla - well, accord ... read more
Posted on 1/10/2022
It wasn’t long ago that auto maintenance was a relatively simple task. Most guys would take machine shop at Castro Valley High, and were familiar with major subsystems of their cars. Tools were relatively inexpensive, and pretty much anybody could perform basic auto maintenance, like oil change, in their own garage. Things started changing in the 1980s, as car manufacturers introduced embedded computers to control various functions inside vehicles. The seminal event was the replacement of a carburetor with electronic fuel injection. For the first time, a critical function of an automobile was controlled by an embedded computer. Moving forward, more and more functions became computer controlled, resulting in modern cars becoming “computers-on-wheels”. Typical car sold today contains dozens of embedded computers, controlling fuel system, braking, air conditioning system, not to mention ADAS – advanced driver assistance systems – which are entirely computeri ... read more