Power Steering Fluid Change in Castro Valley, CA

Adams Autoworx in Castro Valley provides comprehensive auto maintenance services and repairs, including power steering fluid change. Power steering is a marvelous invention, allowing us to easily control cars, but in order for power steering to function properly, power steering fluid needs to be changed from time to time.
When it comes to power steering fluid exchanges, you will read different numbers – some recommend change around 80,000- 100,000 miles or so. Others claim that 30,000 miles is the magic number. In reality, there is no set number that can be applied to all vehicles. If the owner’s manual for your vehicle does not specify when power steering fluid should be changed, there are some rules of thumb you can use:
If you hear whining noise or loud noise when turning the steering wheel, either the power steering fluid level is low, or it is contaminated – time to get it changed.
If you plan to keep your vehicle forever, changing power fluid around 50,000 miles is a good idea.
If you encounter steering difficulties, time to have the problem diagnosed by a professional – it may be the time to change the power steering fluid.
So why does my car need power steering flush?
Usually it’s either due to a leak somewhere in the system (obviously the leak needs to be fixed as well) or because of contamination. While the power steering fluid does not get contaminated as quickly as engine oil, it also picks up grime, bits of pieces of metal and plastic that come from natural deterioration of materials used to make the power steering fluid pump and the power steering system.
So if your vehicle exhibits any strange noises when turning the steering wheel, or if it’s been about 50,000 miles since the last power steering fluid change, call Adams Autoworx in Castro Valley. We are happy to be of service – whether you want to make an appointment on the phone, or you choose to do so online.