Honda Timing Belt Replacement in Castro Valley

Welcome to Adams Autoworx, premier Honda service, and repair shop in Castro Valley. These days most Hondas come with timing chains. So it is easy to forget about millions of cars, including plenty of Honda vehicles, that have timing belts. While timing chains rarely need to be replaced, Honda timing belts typically need replacement every 90,000 - 105,000 miles, depending on the model.
As a matter of fact, failure to replace the timing belt could result in severe engine damage. It is probably the most important service for your Honda because the timing belt synchronizes the rotation of the crankshaft and the camshaft(s), so the engine’s valves open and close at the proper times.
Some Hondas have interference engines – for those vehicles timing belt have even more important duty – to prevent pistons from striking and damaging valves. So if the timing belt breaks, the engine can sustain serious damage.
At Adams Autowrox in Castro Valley timing belt replacement includes overall vehicle inspection, as well as changing timing belt pulleys and tensioner. We also check the water pump for leaks and condition of the drive belts – this is a good time to replace the water pump, as preventive maintenance, since we are already working in this area. Replacing both the timing belt and water pump together is less expensive than replacing each one separately.
To be on the safe side, check your Honda owner’s manual for the range of mileage for your timing belt replacement. Naturally, you could just give us a call – we will be happy to look it up for you.
So if you suspect that your vehicle may need timing belt replacement, give us a call - we will look it up for you, and we can also schedule an appointment at the same time.
All work performed at Adams Autoworx carries 3 year / Unlimited-Mileage warranty. For your convenience, you can also schedule an appointment online.